

n. 问题,议题;争论点;发行物;放出,流出;发出,发行 

vt. 出版,发行;发表,发布;分配,发给 

vi. 冒出,流出;传出 

拉丁语前缀ex-(出)和动词ire(行,走)的复合动词exire(走出) 过去分词exitus 通俗拉丁语exutus阴性形式exuta 古法语eissue 古法语issue

意义演变:走出 流出 给出 发布; 

          给出 递交 递交有争议的案子给法庭 对案子辩论 议题,问题,争论点。

拆分: ex-受古法语影响is + -it-行,走受古法语影响sue行,走  

the issue of global warming. 全球变暖问题。 
money is not an issue. 钱不是问题。 
the issue of notes by the Bank of England. 英格兰银行纸币的发行。 
There is a new issue of Christmas stamps every year. 每年都出一套新的圣诞邮票。 
I bought the book the day after its issue. 这书出版后的第一天, 我就去买了它。 
The government issues money and stamps. 政府发行货币及邮票。 
The inspiring call was issued by the President. 这鼓舞人心的号召是总统发出的。 
We also issued agricultural loans. 我们还发放了农业贷款。 
The end hut is to be used for issuing guns to the new soldiers. 最边上的那间小屋要用来给新兵发放武器。 
They advised the government not to issue him a passport to travel abroad. 他们奉劝政府不要给他发护照出国旅游。 
Exotic smells issued from a nearby building. 奇怪的气味从附近的一座建筑物里散发了出来。 
Strange sounds issued from the castle. 城堡传来怪异的声音。